After installing Amiga OS3.1.4.1, I’ve noticed that the 68030.library and MMU support with ACATune does not work correctly on my older ACA Card.
Running ACATune -status shows that the ACA1231-41Mhz card is being detected as a ACA1230-28Mhz card with not features enabled.
To fix this problem please follow the guide below
1 : To check if you have a problem with your ACA Accelerator card, Open up a Shell and type acatune -status
I have a ACA1231 but in ACATune it’s coming up as a ACA1230 with the wrong clock speed and also no features enabled.

2: Download the latest version of Mu680x0Libs – and extract to a folder, In there run the Install in the Install folder – I picked Novice Level and let it install where it wanted

3: Once installed, Copy the ACAInit file from the Mu680x80Libs/Libs/MMU folder to your Libs:MMU

4: Now edit the file ENVARC:MMU-Configuration and add ACAInit to the line before ;that’s all folks!

5: Turn the Amiga off and wait a few seconds, then back on. Once it’s booted try ACATune -status to make sure it’s working OK