Another quick script to Import data from a CSV back in to Active Directory on a domain controller
# Import AD Module Import-Module ActiveDirectory #Get Admin accountb credential $GetAdminact = Get-Credential $DomainOU = GET-ADDomain | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UsersContainer #Store the CSV in a table $Users = Import-CSV c:\temp\ExportADUsers\Update.csv foreach ($User in $Users) { #Search in specified OU and Update existing attributes Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$($User.'Logon Name')'" -Properties * -SearchBase $DomainOU | Set-ADUser -GivenName $($User.'First Name') -Surname $($User.'Last Name') -DisplayName $($User.'Display Name') -Title $($User.'Directorate') -Description $($User.'Directorate') if (($User.'Account Status' -eq 'Disabled') ) { #Search in specified OU and disabled accounts as required Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$($User.'Logon Name')'" -Properties * -SearchBase $DomainOU | Disable-ADAccount } } "Done"